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新闻 & 事件 Extraordinary Medical Expenses Widen Gender Wealth Gap, 12bet官方 研究所 Data Shows

Extraordinary Medical Expenses Widen Gender Wealth Gap, 12bet官方 研究所 Data Shows

New research evaluates differences between how women and men weather extraordinary expenses.


Today the 12bet官方 研究所 released new research comparing the financial activities of men and women to shed new light on the financial challenges of women faced with extraordinary medical payments. The 研究所 found a gender gap in how women fared financially even before they tackled an extraordinary payment -- women had roughly 20 percent lower levels of income, 支出, 流动资产, as well as slightly higher credit card debt burdens than men. When confronted with an extraordinary medical expense, the financial gap between men and women grew even wider.

“These findings demonstrate the importance of designing and providing more solutions that improve women’s ability to weather and rebound from financial shocks,” Diana Farrell, President and CEO, 12bet官方 研究所. “They also point to a critical need to understand the impact that medical expenses have on women. Should out-of-pocket healthcare costs increase for women, women may have to shoulder more of the economic burden of receiving care than men do.”

The 研究所 assembled a de-identified sample of more than 210,000 core 追逐 checking account customers between 2013 and 2015, for whom the 研究所 could infer the gender of the primary account holder and categorize at least 80 percent of expenses. 以下是新版本的主要发现.

  • Finding One: While most primary account holders were men, low-income primary account holders were more likely to be women.
    • Sixty-two percent of account holders in the lowest income quintile were women, compared to just 30 percent of account holders in the highest income quintile.
  • Finding Two: There was a gender gap in financial outcomes – women exhibited roughly 20 percent lower levels of income, 支出, 流动资产, 信用卡债务负担也略高于男性.
    • Women's accounts exhibited 23 percent lower take-home incomes, 支出减少21%, and 20 percent lower liquid assets than men's accounts.
    • Although women had 5 percent less revolving credit card debt in absolute terms, women were more likely than men to have a positive revolving credit balance than men: 76 percent of women had a revolving credit card balance compared to 70 percent of men.
    • 女性则为0.9 months of income in revolving credit card debt compared to 0.7 months for men, implying a higher monthly debt burden for women in relation to their income.
  • Finding Three: Extraordinary medical payments represented a higher fraction of monthly take-home income for women than for men. Women were in a weaker financial position than men to withstand an extraordinary medical payment.
    • The magnitude of extraordinary medical payments was larger for women, representing 52 percent of a month’s take-home pay for women compared to 48 percent for men.
    • Women’s incomes 流动资产 were more than 20 percent lower prior to the extraordinary medical payment compared to men’s.
  • Finding Four: Immediately before making an extraordinary medical payment, women exhibited a larger increase in liquid assets relative to men, suggesting that they were more likely than men to delay a medical payment until they were able to pay.
    • 女性获得了7%(1美元)的收入,076) increase in liquid assets compared to a 5 percent ($858) increase in liquid assets for men immediately prior to making the medical payment.
    • 这些数值的差异令人惊讶, especially in light of the fact that the amount of medical payment was 18 percent lower for women.
  • Finding Five: A year after the extraordinary medical payment, 经济成果方面的性别差距扩大了, leaving women with 9 percent more revolving credit card debt than men.
    • Among those who made the extraordinary medical payments, more women (35 percent) increased their revolving credit card balance than men (29 percent).
    • Before the large medical payment, women had the equivalent of 0.信用卡债务占8个月收入的比例为0.男性6岁. 在支付医疗费用后,女性的收入为0.9 months’ worth of income in credit card debt compared to still 0.男性6岁.


The 12bet官方 研究所 is a think tank dedicated to delivering data-rich analyses and expert insights for the public good. 它的目的是帮助决策者, 企业, 非营利组织的领导者们也很欣赏这种规模, 粒度, 多样性, and interconnectedness of the global economic system and use timely data and thoughtful analysis to make more informed decisions that advance prosperity for all. 借鉴12bet官方 & Co.微软独有的专有数据, 专业知识, 市场准入, the 研究所 develops analyses and insights on the inner workings of the global economy, 框架关键问题, 召集利益相关者和主要思想家. 更多信息请访问: JP摩根追逐研究所.com.